EPYC Curriculum Download Form

Before you download the curriculum, please take a moment to tell us about yourself and your interest in the Educational Program on Yiddish Culture:

Email address:
Street Address:
How did you hear about EPYC?:
Someone told me about the program
I read about the program in a publication or online
I read about the program on an email list that I subscribe to the EPYC website was linked to another site that I read
I was looking for material on Eastern European Jewish history or Yiddish culture
Other (fill in the blank)
How do you plan on using the EPYC curriculum?:
I am a teacher or school administrator and am interested in using EPYC in the classroom
I am a student and am doing research on Eastern European Jewry and Yiddish culture
I am generally interested in the subject
Other (fill in the blank)